il Palco • WOW Beach

All prices include VAT.

Our dishes can be adapted to your intolerances.
We have an allergen menu in the restaurant.


Place your “Take Away” order and enjoy il Palco at home

Service: From Tuesday to Saturday.
Order hours: 9 h to 13 h.
Pick up time: 13 h to 15 h.
Pick up point: il Palco restaurant.

We cook for you every day of the week

By phone or WhatsApp: +34 965 324 035
Service: All days.
Order hours: 9 h to 13 h.
Order the breakfast pack 24 hours in advance.
Pickup time: 13 h to 15 h.
Collection of the breakfast pack de 9 h to 10:30 h.
Pick up point: 13 h to 15 h.
Address: Avenida de las Colinas, 2, Carretera de Campoamor a San Miguel de Salinas CV-941, Km. 6. 03189 Orihuela Costa, Alicante.